Letter from Lenin to the members of the Politburo
Copy To Comrade Molotov
Top Secret
For members of the Politburo Please make no copies for any reason.
Each member of the Politburo (incl. Comrade Kalinin) should comment
directly on the document.
We must pursue the removal of church property by any means necessary
in order to secure for ourselves a fund of several hundred million
gold rubles (do not forget the immense wealth of some monasteries
and lauras).
In order to get our hands on this fund of several hundred million
gold rubles (and perhaps even several hundred billion), we must
do whatever is necessary.
Therefore, I come to the indisputable conclusion that we must precisely
now smash the Black Hundreds clergy most decisively and ruthlessly
and put down all resistance with such brutality that they will not
forget it for several decades.
Send to Shuia one of the most energetic, clear-headed, and capable
members of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee [VTsIK] or
some other representative of the central government (one is better
than several), giving him verbal instructions through one of the
members of the Politburo. The instructions must come down to this,
that in Shuia he must arrest more if possible but not less than
several dozen representatives of the local clergy, the local petty
bourgeoisie, and the local bourgeoisie on suspicion of direct or
indirect participation in the forcible resistance to the decree
of the VTsIK on the removal of property of value from churches.
Immediately upon completion of this task, he must return to Moscow
and personally deliver a report to the full session of the Politburo
or to two specially authorized members of the Politburo. On the
basis of this report, the Politburo will give a detailed directive
to the judicial authorities, also verbal, that the trial of the
insurrectionists from Shuia, for opposing aid to the starving, should
be carried out in utmost haste and should end not other than with
the shooting of the very largest number of the most influential
and dangerous of the Black Hundreds in Shuia, and, if possible,
not only in this city but even in Moscow and several other ecclesiastical
At this meeting pass a secret resolution of the congress that the
removal of property of value, especially from the very richest lauras,
monasteries, and churches, must be carried out with ruthless resolution,
leaving nothing in doubt, and in the very shortest time. The greater
the number of representatives of the reactionary clergy and the
reactionary bourgeoisie that we succeed in shooting on this occasion,
the better because this "audience" must precisely now be taught
a lesson in such a way that they will not dare to think about any
resistance whatsoever for several decades.
Letter from Lenin to the members of the Politburo
Letter, p. 1 Letter,
p. 2 Letter,
p. 3 Letter,
p. 4