The April 1945 Directive to Commander-in-Chief of
the United States Forces of Occupation in Germany, General Eisenhower
1067) set forth the principal policies of denazification, aimed
at "restoring Germany's political life on democratic basis":
Dissolving the Nazi Party, its formations, affiliated
associations and supervised organizations, and all Nazi public institutions
which were set up as instruments of Party domination, and prohibiting
their revival in any form.
Abrogation of all laws purporting to establish the
political structure of National Socialism, and all laws, decrees
and regulations which establish discriminations on grounds of race,
nationality, political opinions, or creed.
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Denazification - decommunization - the case of Iraq -
examples of treatment of former criminal
authoritarian regimes
By Dr Sdrafko
...The third day after the end of the war, that is
May 3, 1945, the US occupation troops entered Kitzbuehel that was
long time before turned from winter resort into German military
hospital town. They entered without fighting that had practically
ceased on May 1. As early as the next day, two young American officers
from a special denazification unit, speaking an excellent German,
refugees from Nazi Germany, at least one of them was obviously Jewish,
came with an attache case with lists of names, compared the names
from the hotel register with their lists and arrested the Hungarian
men who had ruled Hungary and were apparently singled out as responsible
for the anti-Jewish measures of their government. They did not arrest
anybody from their families, neither the Yugoslavs, nor us, Bulgarians.
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