Draft resolution

Resolution 1096


Communist Terror
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  Killing of people without any legal procedure or the sentence being pronounced after their assassination


Killing of people without any legal procedure or the sentence being pronounced after their assassination

Unfair trials

Inhuman treatment and torture especially in concentration camps, prisons and detention centres and especially against political prisoners and detainees

Persecution based on religious grounds

Persecution and killings of priests and religious servants

Violation of the right of ethnic self-identification and involuntary displacement of people on ethnic grounds particularly during Stalin's leadership of the USSR

Forbidding freedom of association and freedom of assembly

Restriction of free movement in the state and abroad

Serious violations of pluralism and impossibility for real political activity

Severe violations of freedom of conscience, thought and expression

Restriction of the right to information, lack of privacy and complete lack of press freedom

Expropriation of private property including land

Support for revolutionary communistic movements which fought outside of the democratic arena

Total control of the security services over the life of the citizens


Ruling of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union Communist Party of 5 March 1940 on the execution of Polish war prisoners in Katin

" " March 1940 No. 794/B MOSCOW

CC ACP (b) to Comrade STALIN
P13N144op TOPSECRET of March 5, 1940

......Taking into consideration the fact that all of them are hardened enemies of the Soviet authorities with little expectation for their reform, the NKVD USSR considers as essential to:
I. Recommend the NKVD USSR to:
1.) The matter of the 14,700~.ons who found themselves in the camps for prisoners of war: former Polish officers, clerks, landlords, policemen , intelligence agents, military police, immigrant settlers, and prison guards,
2.) as well as the matter of the 11,000 persons arrested and kept in prisons of the western districts of Ukraine and Byelorussia: members of various c-r (counter-revolutionary) organizations engaged in spying and sabotage, former landlords, manufacturers, former Polish officers, clerks and refugees - examine according to the extraordinary order and apply towards them the punishment of highest order shooting.
II. The matter is to be looked at without summoning the arrested and without the presentation of evidence. The decision to terminate the investigation is to be carried out in the following manner:
a) towards persons finding themselves in P.O.W camps - according to the information conveyed by the Governing Body for the Affairs of Prisoners of War of the NKVD of the USSR,
b) towards persons arrested - according to the information conveyed by the NKVD of the USSR and the NKVD of the BSSR.
III. The examination of these matters and their resolution is to be delegated to the team of three comrades consisting of Merkulov, Kabulow and Bashtakov (chief of the First S[etsdepartment of the NKVD of the USSR).

The note of the Chief of NKWD L.Beria to J.Stalin (March 1940)
Facsimile of the note signed by Stalin, Voroshilov, Molotov and Mikoian
Facsimile of the decision


Peter Semerdjiev: The Things I Know About the People's Tribunal in 1944-1945

...When we remind of the events related to the so-called people's tribunal, one could not miss the killings done on the orders of the politburo of the party 's central committee. Pursuant to these, terrorist actions were committed by the party committees directed against acting and reserve officers. There are many things said and written about the people's tribunal but these orders to kidnap and kill officers from garrison towns of the country have been diligently avoided. These officers were arrested before the people's tribunal even started work. This happened not because they were deprived of the party committees' attention or were not subject to detention. While dealing with detaining and investigating the defendants under the general accusation to be tried by the people's tribunal, an instructor from the central committee arrived in Sliven to bring me a special recommendation, not subject to written confirmation. The turned to be an acquaintance, Nikola Petrov. In a private conversation, he informed me that, pursuant to a politburo decision, in every garrison, some 2-3-4 officers should be earmarked, regardless of their status as acting or reserve. They should be kidnapped and murdered without any preliminary investigation. As first secretary of the party committee I had to personally organize the implementation of this decision in the Sliven garrison. I could only share this entrusted mission with a limited number of responsible party members whom I had to recruit to help me. Together we had to earmark the victims as well as the persons commissioned for the kidnapping and killing.

Peter Semerdjiev: The Things I Know About the People's Tribunal in 1944-1945

Translation from Bulgarian by Dr. Neli Hadjiyska and Dr. Valentin Hadjiyski

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