Peter Semerdjiev: The Things I Know About the People's Tribunal
in 1944-1945
...The role of the [communist] party committee in
[the town of] Sliven and my role, as its secretary was not limited
to my participation in deliberations on the composition of the people's
tribunal and the control on the trials. The severity of each convict's
penalty was another issue where no decision would ever be made without
taking my opinion in consideration or coordinating with my guidance.
The sentence was usually decided upon in my office where I called
the people's prosecutor Peter Filipov and Mara Eneva as a member
of the panel of the people's tribunal. No objections have ever been
made on behalf of both to my suggestions and clarifications concerning
certain convicts. I recall Mara Eneva's complaint that one of the
panel members in their conversations opposed her statements in favor
of death sentences and was of the opinion that there should be no
severe punishment and death sentences.
Semerdjiev: The Things I Know About the People's Tribunal in 1944-1945
Translation from Bulgarian by Dr. Neli Hadjiyska
and Dr. Valentin Hadjiyski