Protocol "B" No 5/21.11.1953 of
the Politburo of the Bulgarian Communist Party Central Committee
Attended by: V. Chervenkov, G. Damianov, G. Tsankov, M. Neichev,
R. Damianov, T. Zhivkov
The investigative authorities within State Security and People's
Militia should be constantly enforced with personnel entirely devoted,
honest and loyal to the Bulgarian Communist Party and its Central
Committee and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, utterly hateful
to the class enemy, politically and professionally well-prepared
people, considering searching for the truth as their highest responsibility
to the Party, people irreconcilable to all kinds of infringements
of our people's democratic rule of law who are capable of detecting
even the most skillful and disguised enemy.
"To be kept indefinitely", information Bulletin of
the Commission for the Disclosure of Documents and Affiliation with
Former State Security and Former Intelligence Office to the Supreme
Headquarters, Sofia, 2002
Translation from Bulgarian by Dora Atanasova