Decree of Secretariat of CC of CPSU (Central Commity of Communist
Party of Soviet Union)
December 22, 1980
About some additional measures on the control over the distribution
of polish press in USSR
... to control polish journals and magazines. If they don't content
unacceptable matters they can be left for sale and distribution
to subscribers.
... to control all wrapper corespondence incoming from People's
Republic of Poland to Soviet institutions and citizens ...
... to accept suggestion of Head office for state secret protection
in the press (inferior to USSR's Concil of Ministers) to increase
the staff of direction of Glavlit of USSR by 4 units: two new editors
and two new inspectors on main activity with good knowledge of polish.
List of polish journals and magazines addmited for sale and subscription:
(List of names of 13 journals and 31 polish magazines)
List of polish journals and magazines controlled from Glavlit of
USSR: (List of 21 editions)
of Secretariat of CC of CPSU
Translation from Bulgarian by Mariana Popova and
Plamen Simeonov