KARTA Center is an
independent non-governmental organization (incorporated as a
foundation), documenting and popularizing the recent history
of Poland and Eastern Europe. It continues the activities of
the illegal "Karta" and the clandestine Eastern Archives of
the 1980s. |
is a movement which arose in the years of perestroika.
Its main task was the awakening and preservation of the societal
memory of the severe political persecution in the recent past
of the Soviet Union. Memorial is a group of specialized research,
human rights, and education centers in Moscow, St. Petersburg,
and several other cities. Memorial is a museum, a repository
of documents, and a number of specialized libraries. Memorial
is wide-ranging and simultaneous scrupulous historical research
of topics that were until recently inaccessible to Russian scholars:
the GULag, the history of the security organizations VChK (the
Cheka)-OGPU-NKVD-MGB-KGB, statistics on political repression
in the Soviet Union, and dissidents' resistance during the Khrushchev-Brezhnev
era. Memorial is the undertaking of risky observation missions
to "hot spots" on the territory of the CIS. Memorial is mountains
of factual material, collected in regions of armed conflict.
It is painstaking verification and analysis of the collected
material, and the preparation and publication of reports on
the conditions in Nagorno-Karabakh, Tajikistan, Transdnistria,
in the zone of Ossetian-Ingushetian conflict, and, finally,
in Chechnya.
Our task is not to teach
society, but to find the facts, collect them, contemplate
them, and to publish them. What will come of this uncomfortable
truth will it be grasped by society or it reject
with disgust this is the choice of the historical
journey. It is a no less important choice than the choice
of state form or economic structure.
Ten years ago, Memorial began the systematic collection
of evidence about the communist terror. Tens of thousands
of people former convicts, their relatives and
friends gave Memorial their materials on their
own initiative. During these years, a substantial archive
on the history of repression was collected. |
Soviet Archives at INFO-RUSS
It is a huge collection of documents directly copied from archives
of KPSS (former communist party of former Sov Union) including
KGB ("Komitet of Gosudarstevennoi Bezopasnosti") reports to
its Central Committee.
The initiative of starting this endeavor belonged to Julia Zaks,
a "veteran" emigre, whose dissident activity track in Moscow
goes back 30+ years. L. Chernikhov who joined the work at a
later stage, did a great job on re-organizing the documents
according to the subject and cross-referencing it." Alex
Ideology and Politics of Soviet Communist Party (KPSS); KPSS
and Terror in the USSR; Suppression of Dissisdents; KPSS and
Communist World; KPSS and Non-Communist World; Communist Terror
in the World; Some Aspects of Soviet International Politics.
Imagine that in 1945 the allies wanted from the
nazism perestroika instead of capitulation - what would
have happened ? In a few years the nazis would have
re-grouped and seized the government under a different
name; their organization was strong in whole Europe
and they were closely allied.
Vladimir Bukovsky
e-Edition - the Bulgarian nespaper containing
recollections of the communist oppression. A book of these recollections
is on its way. |
Semerdjiev: The Things I Know About the People's Tribunal in 1944-1945
Functionary of the Bulgarian Communist Party at average level, as
first secretary of the Party in Sliven at the time of the communist
terror, Petar Semerdjiev witnessed abductions and murders executed
upon orders from the leadership of the Communist Party in the first
days after 9 September 1944.
In Bulgarian.
KGB Cells Museum
The KGB Cells Museum is situated in the "gray house" in Tartu, Estonia,
which in the 1940s-1950s housed the South Estonian Centre of the
NKVD/KGB. The remaining former cells house an exposition which gives
a good survey of the history of the Estonian Resistance Movement
and the crimes of the communist regime. In the display you can find
plans drawn by the Soviet authorities for conducting deportation
operations, leaflets distributed by the schoolchildren's underground
organizations, objects from the GULAG prison camps, as well as a
great number of other photos and documents illustrating Estonian
near history. In Estonia the total number of people who fell victims
to different repressions from the security organs amounted to approximately
122,000 and more than 30,000 of them lost their life.
1968 - Photos
Katyn Forest Massacre
Links to other Katyn related sites, WW2 sites, information sources
and points of interest.
In April 1940, nearly twenty-two thousand Polish prisoners were
rounded up, transported to Katyn and various other sites, and executed.
They included army officers, civil servants, landowners, policemen,
ordinary soldiers, and prison officers. They were lined up, made
to dig their own mass graves, and shot in the back of the neck.
The victims were never tried or presented with any charges. The
executions were ordered personally by Stalin in a memorandum dated
March 5, 1940, to Lavrenti Beria, the head of the NKVD (predecessor
of the KGB). Per Stalin's instructions, the prisoners were to receive
the "supreme measure of punishmentshooting. Brian Crozier,
Hoover Digest
Documents on the massacre of Polissh officers in
- a Russian site, Y. Krasilnikov
Digital Archive Of Cambodian Holocaust Survivors
This project is the result of many people from many different places
coming together for one reason: to increase awareness and encourage
Cambodian holocaust survivors to record their stories. We appreciate
your help in preserving these important memories for future generations.
Laogai Research Foundation
The Laogai Research Foundation has documented over 1,000 Laogai
camps in China. The exact numbers of prisoners in any particular
camp is constantly changing according to varying shifts in the political
climate. Counting those imprisoned in five of the six categories
listed above (the LRF does not count those in detention centers,
as that number the most variable and difficult to ascertain), the
Laogai Research Foundation estimates that the Laogai population
is between 4 to 6 million prisoners.
Cambodian Genocide Program
The Cambodian genocide of 1975-1979, in which approximately 1.7
million people lost their lives (21% of the country's population),
was one of the worst human tragedies of the last century. Since
1994, the Cambodian Genocide Program, a project of the Genocide
Studies Program at the Yale Center for International and Area Studies,
has been studying these events to learn as much as possible about
the tragedy, and to help determine who was responsible for the crimes
of the Pol Pot regime. In Phnom Penh in 1996, for instance, we obtained
access to the 50,000-page archive of that defunct regime's security
police, the Santebal. This material has been microfilmed by Yale
University's Sterling Library and made available to scholars worldwide.
As of December 2002, we have also compiled and published 22,000
biographic and bibliographic records, and over 6,000 photographs,
documents, translations, and maps.
in Khmer, in Thai, auf Deutsch
Museum of Genocide Victims, Vilnius, Lithuania
Lithuanian Center for the Research of Genocide and Resistance
Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation
To commemorate the more than 100 million victims of Communism, to
honor those who successfully resisted Communist tyranny, to educate
current and future generations about the winning of the Cold War,
and to document Communism's continuing crimes against humanity,
The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation has been formed to
build the Victims of Communism Memorial Museum.
from the Russian Archives (from the Library of Congress)
Repression and Terror: Stalin
in Control; Kirov Murder and Purges; Secret Police; The Gulag; Collectivization
and Industrialization; Anti-Religious Campaigns; Attacks on Intelligentsia:
Early Attacks, Renewed Attacks, Censorship, Suppressing Dissidents;
Ukrainian Famine; Deportations; Jewish Antifascist Committee; Chernoblyl
as a national downfall
Rich archive containing documents and memories about the forced
collectivization in the Soviet Union, kolkhozes*, starvation and
violent Soviet government.
In Russian.
* Collective farms in the Soviet Union.
of 1933. Anatomy of the Nazin tragedy
Documents about the events which took place in the spring and autumn
of 1933 when during the mass displacements about 6 million people
were driven to an island of the Ob River and abandoned there. One
forth of the people died in less than a month and the island received
the name Island of Death.
In Russian.
Kremlin archives. Politburo* and Church (1922 -1925)
Documents about seizure of Church valuables and bells, trails against
Russian and Polish priests and the trail against Patriarch Tyhon.
In Russian.
* The chief political and executive committee of a Communist party.
of the Soviet Dissidents Program
Memorial Project
In the Program:
activities in the 50s and until 80s. Personalities
Organized by type of activity and by names.
of the current events
Typewritten informational bulletin issued by advocates for human
rights for 15 years period between 1968 and 1983.
In Russian.
shot at us like they shot at crows
The story of Luben Kardjiev from Silistra (Bulgaria) about the political
oppression he has survived, the prison and the Belene concentration
Saharov - Pictures and links to websites
about Saharov:
museum and Public Centre "A. Saharov"
about Saharov (Plus minutes from the meeting of
the General Assembly of the USSR Academy of Science of 22-26 June
- the clash between Saharov and Lisenko and the minutes from the
Politburo meeting of 1 December 1968 at which Saharov's return to
Moscow was permitted)
Newspaper: Bulgarian New Martyrs
Biographical facts about orthodox priests persecuted or murdered
by the communist government
State Security and Bulgarian writers
Literary critic Vladimir Vasilev - 'Shadow
of the unicorn', Tsveta Trifonova,
Literary newspaper (continuation
in issue 1, 2001)
Tsvetan Marangozov - "Denunciation
as a genre of literatute", Literary newspaper
The writer Tsvetan Marangozov reveals part of his dossier
martyrs - victims of the communist terror in Bulgaria 1923-2002
canonized by the Orthodox Church
Alexander Dobrinov, Drawings
from the central Sofia prison 1944-1945
Alexander Dobrinov is a famous Bulgarian caricaturist and cartoonist,
one of the defendants in the Sixth court trial (against intellectuals)
of the People's court 1944-1945
dictionary of prisoner's world
Jacque Rossi's "GULAG Reference book" about the Soviet prisons and
camps in 30s - 50s of the XX century was used as a source
International Public Tribunal on the Evaluation of Crimes of Communism |
of Terror, Hungary |
Memorial of the Victims of Communism and of the Resistance
was initiated in 1992 by the President of the Civic Alliance, Ana
Blandiana, together with Romulus Rusan and an important group of historians,
architects and designers. In 1998, The Council of Europe designated
the Sighet Memorial as one of the main memorial sites of the continent,
alongside the Auschwitz Museum and the Peace Memorial in Normandy.
Made up of a Museum - situated in the former political prison in Sighet
(Romania) - and an International Center for Studies about Communism
- with its headquarters in Bucharest - The Memorial aims to rebuild
the memory of certain nations, particularly the Romanians, who for
half of a century have been misled with a false history. |
Gulag and Holocaust Memoir of Janina Sulkowska-Gladun
Janina was a university student when Hitler and Stalin invaded Poland
in 1939. "Janka" joined the underground with friends, but in 1940
she was arrested by the NKVD, tortured and shipped to the Gulag. Her
entire family would be deported to Siberia, and many relatives and
friends suffered and died at the hands of the Soviets and Nazis. Janina's
memoir chronicles her amazing odyssey, starting with the invasion
of Poland, as a prisoner in the outposts of the Gulag, her survival
in the USSR and escape, and finally exile in India and England. |
German Propaganda
A collection of translations of propaganda material from the East
German era. |
Moscow Helsinki Group
Moscow Helsinki Group is the oldest contemporary Russian human rights
organization. It was founded on May, 12 1976. |
Open Society Archives - OSA is an archives
and a center for research and education. Its collections and activities
relate to the period after the Second World War, mainly The Cold
War, The history of the formerly communist countries, Human rights,
and War crimes.
Labor Camps
on-line exhibition
of Communism Against Ukraine And Her People |
Museum of the Occupation of Latvia (1940-1991)
The Occupation Museum in Riga was established in 1993 by the Occupation
Museum Foundation (OMF) to provide information about Latvia and
its people under two occupying totalitarian regimes from 1940 to
remind the world of the wrongdoings committed by foreign powers
against the state and the people of Latvia
remember those who perished, who suffered, and who fled the terror
of the occupying regimes.
Research and Archives Project
The Stalin-Era Research and Archives Project (SERAP) is a collaborative,
multidisciplinary undertaking based at the Centre for Russian and
East European Studies at the University of Toronto. With support
from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada,
the Project seeks to stimulate the reinterpretation of politics
and society in the USSR under Stalin through the use of newly declassified
archival materials.
against Humanity
The Progress Report of Latvia's History Commission: Crimes against
Humanity Committed in the Territory of Latvia from 1940 to 1956
during the Occupations of the Soviet Union and National Socialist
Mothers Campaign
Testimonies of the families of those killed and wounded in the Massacre,
June 4, 1989; Lists of Known Victims, complied by June Fourth Victims'
network; Solidarity Efforts / Activities
Rights In China is an international non-governmental
organization founded by Chinese scientists and scholars in March
Parallel History Project on NATO and the Warsaw Pact
Since its establishment in 1999, the PHP has initiated
large-scale declassification of military materials from the Communist
era in Central and East European archives. It has collected thousands
of documents on the security aspects of the Cold War. |
Institution Library and Archives
of the Soviet Communist Party and Soviet State: Microfilm Collection
Free Europe and Radio Liberty records
of Contemporary History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech
was established on 1 February, 1990. The subject
of Czech contemporary history is that period during which Czech
society was both the subject and object of the totalitarian ideologies
and regimes that so tragically influenced the twentieth century,
namely Nazism and Communism. In particular, research focused on
the establishment of the Communist regime in 1948, its crisis and
the Soviet intervention in 1968, the fall of the regime in 1989,
repression, and the nature of the opposition to the Communist regime
in 1989. In 1999 was established a new department dealing with the
Second World War and the German occupation.
for Post-Communist Studies
on Transitional Justice in Eastern Europe
video from a North Korean prison camp in Yudok
shows harsh life in N. Korean camp,
of Communism in Prague |
War Museum in Washington |
- drawings, maps of the prison camps in East Siberia,
West Siberia and Ural |
Committee for Human Rights in North Korea
Hidden Gulag: Exposing North Koreas Prison Camps
Prisoners Testimonies and Satellite Photographs
War History Research Center -
Budapest |
camps in the USSR
Collected informations on the Soviet forced labor
system.Hungarian site.