Recommendation No. R (2000) 13
of the Committee of Ministers to member states
on a European policy on access to archives
(Adopted by the Committee of Ministers
on 13 July 2000,
at the 717th meeting of the Ministers Deputies)
The Committee of Ministers, under the terms of
article 15.b of the Statute of the Council of Europe,
Considering that the aim of the Council of Europe
is to establish closer union between its members and that this aim
can be pursued by common action in the cultural field;
In view of the Convention for the Protection of
Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, in particular Articles 8
and 10, and of the Convention for the Protection of Individuals
with regard to the Automatic Processing of Personal Data (ETS No.
In view of Recommendation (81) 19 of the Committee
of Ministers to member states on access to information held by public
authorities and Recommendation (91)10 of the Committee of Ministers
to member states on the communication to third parties of personal
data held by public bodies;
Considering that archives constitute an essential
and irreplaceable element of culture;
Considering that they ensure the survival of human
Taking account of the increasing interest of the
public for history, the institutional reforms currently under way
in the new democracies and the exceptional scale of changes which
are taking place in the creation of documents;
Considering that a country does not become fully
democratic until each one of its inhabitants has the possibility
of knowing in an objective manner the elements of their history;
Taking account of the complexity of problems concerning
access to archives at both national and international level due
to the variety of constitutional and legal frameworks, of conflicting
requirements of transparency and secrecy, of protection of privacy
and access to historical information, all of which are perceived
differently by public opinion in each country;
Recognising the wish of historians to study and
civil society to better understand the complexity of the historical
process in general, and of that of the twentieth century in particular;
Conscious that a better understanding of recent
European history could contribute to the prevention of conflicts;
Considering that in view of the complexity of
the issues connected with the opening of archives, the adoption
of a European policy on access to archives is called for, based
upon common principles consistent with democratic values, Recommends
that the governments of member states take all necessary measures
and steps to:
i. adopt legislation on access to archives inspired
by the principles outlined in this recommendation, or to bring existing
legislation into line with the same principles;
ii. disseminate the recommendation as widely as
possible to all the bodies and persons concerned.
Appendix to Recommendation No. R (2000) 13
I. Definitions
1.For the purposes of the present recommendation:
a. the word archives has the
following meanings:
i. when it is written with a lower case a:
the totality of the documents regardless of date, form or medium,
produced or received by any individual or corporate body during
the course of their business and transmitted to the Archives for
permanent preservation; unless otherwise stated, the present recommendation
is only concerned with public archives, that is, those
produced by official authorities;
ii. when it is written with an upper case A:
the public institutions charged with the preservation of archives;
b. the word access has the
following meanings:
i. the function attributed to Archives to make
available to users the holdings they have in their custody;
ii. the fulfilment of this function;
c. access to archives means
the possibility of consulting archival documents in conformity with
national law. This notion of access does not cover the exploitation
of documents leading to derived products which shall be subject
to specific agreements;
d. user means any person who
consults the archives, with the exception of the staff working in
the Archives;
e. protected personal data
means any information relating to an identified or identifiable
individual (data subject) which the law, regulatory texts or courts
consider cannot be the subject of communication to the public without
risking injury to the interests of that person.
II. Legislative and regulatory texts
2. In European countries, the responsibility for
setting out the general principles which govern access to archives
lies with the legislature and, therefore, shall be governed by an
act of parliament. Practical arrangements will be divided between
acts and regulations, according to the laws of each country.
3. Acts and regulations concerning access to public
archives should be co-ordinated and harmonised with the laws concerning
related areas, in particular with that on access to information
held by public authorities and that on protection of data.
4. The criteria for access to public archives,
defined in law, should apply to all archives throughout the entire
national territory, regardless of the Archives responsible for their
III. Arrangements for access
to public archives
5. Access to public archives is a right. In a
political system which respects democratic values, this right should
apply to all users regardless of their nationality, status or function.
6. Access to archives is part of the function
of public archive services, for which, as such, fees should not
be charged.
7. The legislation should provide for:
a. either the opening of public archives
without particular restriction; or
b. a general closure period.
7.1. Exceptions to this general rule necessary
in a democratic society can, if the case arises, be provided to
ensure the protection of:
a. significant public interests worthy
of protection (such as national defence, foreign policy and public
b. private individuals against the release
of information concerning their private lives.
7.2. All exceptions to the general closure period,
whether relating to the reduction or to the extension of this period,
should have a legal basis. Responsibility for any closure
or disclosure lies with the agency which created the documents or
with itssupervisory administration, unless national legislation
assigns this responsibility to a particular Archive. Any closure
beyond the usual period should be for a pre-determined period, at
the end of which the record in question will be open.
8. Finding aids should cover the totality of the
archives and make reference, should the case arise, to those which
might have been withheld from the description. Even when finding
aids reveal the existence of closed documents, and as long as they
do not themselves contain information protected by virtue of legislation,
they shall be readily accessible so that users may request special
permission for access.
9. The applicable rules should allow for the possibility
of seeking special permission from the competent authority for access
to documents that are not openly available. Special permission for
access should be granted under the same conditions to all users
who request it.
10. If the requested archive is not openly accessible
for the reasons set out in article 7.1, special permission may be
given for access to extracts or with partial blanking. The user
shall be informed that only partial access has been granted.
11. Any refusal of access or of special permission
for access shall be communicated in writing, and the person making
the request shall have the opportunity to appeal against a negative
decision, and in the last resort to a court of law.
IV. Access to private archives
12. Wherever possible, mutatis mutandis,
attempts should be made to bring arrangements for access to private
archives in line with those for public archives.
Source: Council
of Europe, Committee of Ministers