Condemning communism - the Bulgarian example
by Professor
Plamen S. Tzvetkov, Ph.D
Plamen Simeonov Tzvetkov was born in Berlin, Germany,
in 1951. Since 1994 he has been a lecturer with the New Bulgarian
University. In 1999 he presented a doctoral thesis and was awarded
a Doctorate in History (D.Litt./D.Sc.). Until the year 2001 Dr.
Tzvetkov was employed at the Institute of History of the Bulgarian
Academy of Sciences, and since February of 2002 is a Full Professor
of Modern and Recent World History at the New Bulgarian University.
Prof. Tzvetkov’s academic interests largely cover the political
and diplomatic history of Bulgaria, the Balkans, Europe and the
world at large during the 20th century, as well as the
early history of the Bulgarian people, more specifically the issue
of the origin of Bulgarians.
Prof Plamen Tzvetkov has published more than 10 monographs, over
50 research papers and articles and well over 300 essays. Special
mention is due to a major monograph A History of the Balkans:
A Regional Overview from a Bulgarian Perspective, in two
volumes, published in San Fransisco, USA, by The Edwin Mellen Press
(1993), and his participation, in collaboration with Stéphane
Courtois, Joachim Gauck, Alexandre Iakovlev, Martin Malia, Mart
Laar, Diniou Charlanov, Lioubomir Ognianov, Romulus Rusan, Erhart
Neubert, Ilios Yannakakis, Philippe Baillet, in a group effort
titled Du passé faisons table rase! Histoire et mémoire
du communisme en Europe [Let’s Make Tabula Rasa from the
Past! History and Memory of Communism in Europe] (Paris, Robert
Laffont, 2002), to which he contributed the article “Après
Staline, Todor Jivkov!” [“After Stalin, Todor Zhivkov!”], essentially
representing a view of European History from a Balkan perspective.
Prof. Tzvetkov has also authored a series of books on the smaller
and medium-sized players in European politics on the eve of World
War II, as well as a monograph bearing the somewhat defiant title,
Are Bulgarians Slavs?
Married, with three children – a daughter and two sons.
Communism, as both an ideology and practice, is still
very much the reigning political force in many countries around
the globe, which may be one of the important reasons why any attempt
at its official condemnation is met with fierce resistance. A brief
comparison with Hitler's regime of nationalsocialism in Germany
(1933-1945) or Mussolini's fascist dictatorship in Italy (1922-1943/5)
should suffice, however, to demonstrate that the communist system
established in Soviet Russia and the countries occupied by the Red
Army following the end of World War II is in no way less cruel or
less inhumane, or less efficient in the mass murder of human beings.
In this respect, the plight of Bulgaria after September 1944 is
a typical example of a territory vassal to Moscow that has had the
misfortune to find itself along the outer border of the Soviet Empire
and has therefore been subjected to far more stringent and ruthless
control through KGB channels than nations belonging to the 'interior'
of the Russian imperial zone, such as Poland, Romania or even Hungary.
The Bulgarian State Security organization became the most subservient
and disciplined foreign arm of the Soviet KGB. Thus any theorizing
about the innate 'Russophilia' of Bulgarians or their 'slave mentality'
is nothing but a propaganda device used by those circles, directly
related to the old communist State Security apparatus, that have
the national economy, political system and the mass media in their
In the context of the draft resolution on 'the need
for international condemnation of totalitarian communism', Bulgaria
has suffered the brunt of 'killings of people without any judiciary
process or the passing of death sentences after the fact of the
killing'. The so-called 'People's Tribunal', set up in the early
days following the invasion of Soviet troops into Bulgarian territory
in September 1944, was in fact meant to give a modicum of legality
to a small part of the murders committed by local communists on
orders from Moscow. The Tribunal passed 2,700 death sentences, of
which 200 on persons already killed, while the total number of people
exterminated in the first months and years of Soviet occupation
is estimated at some 30,000. Not unlike Hitler, who left it to local
Bielorussians to commit most of the atrocities of genocide in nazi-occupied
Belarus, Stalin apparently favored leaving the dirty work to Bulgarian
fanatics. It is a telling fact that the term 'people's tribunal'
is a literal translation from the German Volksgerichte, an institution
set up by Hitler himself in 1944 to deal with any real or potential
opponents of his regime.
As the outcome of the trials and the severity of sentences
were decided in advance in Moscow, the very notions of fair trial
and due process were out of the question. The decree, elevated to
the status of law, on setting up the institution of 'People's Tribunal'
was in glaring contravention of the still valid Constitution of
Bulgaria. The accused were denied even most basic legal representation
or the possibility of defending themselves. It is not impossible
that there were some criminal elements among them, but even the
most hardened villain is entitled to fair trial and even-handed
jurisprudence. Thus, in the 1970s, a court in the Federal Republic
of Germany acquitted none other than Van der Luebe, caught in the
act of arson while setting the Reichstag on fire in 1933, on grounds
that his rights as a defendant had been violated since he had been
subjected to torture and treated with psychotropic substances in
order to extract a confession.
The elections for the 26th ordinary Bulgarian National
Assembly conducted in 1945 were marked by flagrant electoral fraud,
turning them into a mockery of democracy. The same can be said in
even greater measure of the 'referendum' to abolish monarchy in
favor of a 'people's republic' and the next parliamentary elections,
for the 6th Grand National Assembly, both held in 1946. The raging,
all-pervasive terror and the ongoing mass killings were more than
enough to preclude any possibility of democratic process and a free
and fair vote. According to some political observers and analysts,
Stalin was forced against his will to allow this pseudo-democratic
exercise in the Soviet-occupied countries as a token gesture to
his Western allies, whose pressure he felt too weak to defy directly
at this stage. It is far more likely, however, that the Russian
dictator's aim was to find out what elements were less succeptible
to Sovietization in the subjugated countries, in order to mark them
down for subsequent extermination.
Indeed, towards the end of the 1940s Bulgaria was
already dotted with a dense network of death camps. The total number
of victims that perished in these camps, which remained operational
until the early 1960s, may well have been in excess of 100,000.
Opposition figures like BZNS (Bulgarian Agrarian Union) leader Nikola
Petkov or relatively more nationalistically-minded (i.e. suspectedly
less subservient to Russia) communist functionaries like Traicho
Kostov were but the best known, though by far not the only, victims
of the communist secret police's blood-curdlingly sadistic methods
of extracting 'testimony' and 'confessions'. These two became known
for their remarkable steadfastness in the face of torture, something
quite rare in Soviet-occupied countries in those days.
A recurrent mistake is to define communism as an international
movement, as opposed to Hitler's nationalsocialism, which is seen
as the ultimate in Great German chaivinism. The creator of Bolshevism
and the Soviet State, Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin, however, had long
before raised the claim that Moscow was the center of 'world revolution'
called upon to impose communism around the globe. In December 1922
he revamped the old Russian Empire into a Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics, designed as the 'prototype' of a future unification of
all peoples on earth into a 'world socialist republic' lead by Moscow
or the 'Russian proletariat'. In other words, what Lenin did was
to give a communist ideological spin to the old dogma of Moscow
as the 'Third Rome', predestined to usher all of mankind into the
only 'true faith' of Eastern Orthodoxy. This may seem a little odd
in light of the fact that Marxism-Leninism is characterized by its
pathological godlessness, best summarized in the dictum that 'religion
is the opium of the masses'. Obviously, such basic tenets of communist
ideology threw the door open to all kinds of persecution on an ethnic
and religious basis, which in the case of Bulgaria found expression
in a series of deadly, pseudo-judicial lynchings of Orthodox and
Catholic priests and Protestant pastors, as well as in the forcible
name-change campaigns launched against Bulgarian Muslims in the
late 1960s-early 70s and against Bulgarian Turks in the mid-1980s.
By definition, communism is intolerant to all forms
of religious and ethic dofferences since according to the dogmas
of Marx, Engels and Lenin nations are but a temporary product of
capitalism, bound to wither away together with the abolition of
capitalism itself. Moreover, communism goes as far as to deny the
very existence of the human individual. According to Engles, the
unique I of each human being is nothing but a 'combination of social
relations'. There is hardly a more cynical definition of man in
the history of mankind.
Armed with such quasi-theoretical props, the supreme
leader, purportedly a genius, the ablest and infallible upholder
of the public interest, can get away with anything: from mass murder
of 'guilty nations' such as the Chechens or the Balkars (distant
cousins of the Bulgarians), through the re-imposition of classic
Russian serfdom in the form of 'citizenship' of a certain populated
place, a tool for stripping people of their freedom of movement
and the choice of a place to live; to the total abolition of basic
civil rights and liberties such as free access to information or
the freedom of association, public gathering, of conscience, thought
and expression. The ultimate goal of genocide was to do away with
ethnic and national differences while lumping together the survivors
into a uniform mass under the unchallenged leadership of the Russian
'proletariat'. Therefore the first victims of the communist meat-grinder
were exactly those individuals identified as bearers of national
self-consciousness making up the spiritual, economic and political
elite in each of the occupied nations. Thus the population of Poland,
which prior to WW II numbered some 37 million, was reduced at one
point after the war to 27 million - a feat in which the nazi occupiers
also played no small a part. In turn, Romania and Hungary each gave
some 600,000 prisoners of war, tossed somewhere into the whirlpool
of the GULAG, of whom a mere 50-60 thousand came back alive. Some
17 million Germans were driven away from Eastern Prussia and Sudettenland;
another 5 million perished or were killed during their flight to
Contrary to a widespread misconception, communism
is notorious for its rabid anti-Semitism, which is by no means less
sinister or exterminatory than that of the nazis. Granted, Hitler's
anti-Semitism derives from the central dogma of his doctrine, which
reduces the entire richness and diversity of being to a struggle
between 'higher' and 'lower' races, a context in which the Jews
are made out to be the lowest of all, a menace to the rest of humankind.
In this sense the theoretical construct of communism, which proceeds
from an oversimplified notion of history as a struggle between 'progressive'
and 'reactionary' classes, is incomparably more flexible, since
anyone can be branded a 'class enemy' or a 'covert enemy with a
Party card'. Just because no one under the tight lid of the communist
regime could feel secure for their life doesn't mean that Jews were
not a special target for the communist thugs ever since Lenin's
times. As is well known, in countries like Russia Jews were not
allowed to possess landed property; therefore they opted for purely
urban activities such as handicrafts, while a small Jewish elite
could establish itself in positions of influence in banking and
business. Thus in the early months and years following the Bolshevik
coup d'etat in 1917, many Jews perished as 'exploiters of the masses'
or simply as owners of private property. The fact that property
ownership gave the individual a measure of independence from the
State was totally at variance with Lenin's declared goal of turning
everyone into hired workers, or 'proletariat'. In fact, the creator
and supreme leader of the Soviet State took Marx a step further:
instead of liquidating private property he busied himself liquidating
private owners. This happened in a situation where alongside the
Don Cossacks, who owned land, the other distinct group of owners
of private property were the Jews.
Having eliminated all competition for Lenin's succession
and insinuated himself as the unchallenged leader, Stalin took to
setting up a special 'Jewish autonomous region' in the Far East,
in the frozen Siberian wilderness. While the permanent population
of the said 'Jewish autonomous region' varied between 100 and 200
thousand, the number of those who couldn't survive the inhumane
conditions at those latitudes will remain forever unknown. It is
a telling fact that, once Stalin and Hitler agreed on splitting
Poland between themselves, among the 1.5 million Poles exterminated
between September 1939 and June 1941 there were some 400 thousand
Jews. In the late 1940s, Stalin launched another deadly campaign
against the 'cosmopolitans', his plans to annihilate entirely the
Jewish community in the European territories of the Soviet Union
being checked only by his death in 1953. It would come as no surprise
if it turned out that Lenin and Stalin were responsible between
themselves for more Jewish deaths than Hitler himself.
History, no doubt, has known other regimes that killed
off innocent people and restricted the exercise of basic human and
civil rights. Under totalitarianism, however, human existence is
not so much subject to restriction as to coercion. Just as in Hitler's
Germany everyone was obligated to be a nazi, under communism, everyone
was required to even bring up their children in the spirit of Marxism-Leninism.
Thus, pursuant to Art. 38 paragraph 3 of the Constitution of the
'People's Republic' of Bulgaria (1971), 'parents have the right
and the obligation to raise their children and provide for their
communist upbringing'.
Under totalitarian law, there is no differnce between
rights and obligations. The individual becomes a possession of the
Party-cum-State apparatus, which by necessity presupposes the elimination
of private property. Of the three functions associated with private
property - ownership, disposal and use - Hitler abolished only the
latter two, while Lenin's nationalization and Stalin's collectivization
did away with all three functions of private property. The same
model was applied with brute force in all countries occupied by
the Red Army at the end of WW II.
Bulgaria was one of those vassal territories of the
Soviet Union whose rulers were among the most obsequious to Moscow's
will and, therefore, the most ardent supporters of sundry terrorist
organizations and rogue regimes around the world. The long-time
Moscow proxy Todor Zhivkov openly boasted of his 'close friendship'
with strongmen like Fidel Castro, Muammar Gaddhafi and Saddam Hussein.
The Bulgarian arm of the KGB, the State Security apparatus, busily
armed all kinds of terrorist groups, and in the 1970s and 80s enthusiastically
responded to the latest Moscow directive to destabilize and 'Finlandicize'
the West by developing and maintaining drug and arms smuggling networks
that spanned the globe. It was the illegal arms trade and the long-time
direct involvement of Bulgaria in drug trafficking that created
the extensive infrastructure and channels which the communist nomenklatura
started to use in the mid-1980s to syphon off the country's hard-currency
resources, which it later used as the initial capital to set up
'honest private businesses' in the West.
One of the most repulsive features of totalitarianism
is the extensive network of police informers instrumental in keeping
the regime's tight grip on every individual. The fear that one's
unflattering views of the authorities might reach their ears turned
out to be an extremely powerful conditioning factor. At the same
time, in their capacity as the backbone of the nomenklatura, the
units and services of the repressive apparatus were the best informed
in a system of tightly cointrolled information, a country that had
virtually sealed its borders to any outside press, radio broadcasts
or books. To the hapless subject of the Soviet Empire it was easier
to get to the Moon than to a Western country. It was exactly its
exclusive monopoly over the flow of information that enabled the
cadres of the old State Security organization to usurp the powerful
economic leverage that would cushion, at least for them, the inevitable
collapse of communism. While communism is the mafia in office, the
mafia is communism in opposition.
These same circles managed to gain control over most
of the media, in order to continue brainwashing nations like Bulgaria.
The very word 'democracy' became an obscenity, while the highest
circulation daily newspapers are not above rekindling a kind of
vague yet insiduous nostalgia for the communist past.
Communism continues to have too many influential advocates
in both East and West, although in terms of the sheer number of
its victims the communist system is not in any way inferior to nationalsocialism.
The mumber of persons that were killed outright, died of tourture
or perished in prison camps between the Bolshevik coup in 1917 and
Stalin's death in 1953 is estimated at between 85 and 90 million.
Once again, these estimates refer to Soviet nationals who lost their
lives in peacetime, not counting the 20 to 25 million wartime casualties,
or the foreign victims hunted down and killed off by Beria's special
troops or by local Moscow stooges planted in the ranks of communist
parties in territories occupied by the Red Army. By comparison,
the total number of human individuals exterminated by German nationasocialism
as 'untrustworthy' or as members of 'inferior races' bethween 1933
and 1945 did not exceed 25 million, which included victims in countries
under nazi occupation. Even with such incomplete data it is easy
to calculate that, while the annual 'quota'of human victims of the
communist regime in Russia stood at some 2.5 million, in Hitler's
Germany, using its advanced, 'industrial' extermination methods,
the nazi machine managed to mow down a 'mere' 1.9 million human
beings annually.
And yet, to this day communism has has not been condemned
in any form similar to the condemnation meted out to nazism and
fascism in the wake of WW II. Much of the blame for this incongruity
lies with the guilty conscience of the West, led by the United States.
Indeed, during the Second World War the Americns were faced with
the all too real threat of Hitler conquering the European coast
of the Atlantic Ocean, while the Japanese ruled over the Pacific
rim; therefore their only realistic option was to team up with Stalin
in order to stop Hitler. In the cynical words of British PM Churchill,
Russia was a hungry beast that needed to be fed, so the Eastern
Europeans had to be thrown in as food. From an American and Western
perspective, this was clearly the lesser evil.
Another fact that should not be ignored is that the
Nuremberg trials condemning the nazi crimes against humanity were
much compromised by the Soviet presence among the accusers. A member
of the International War Tribunal on behalf of the USSR was I.I.
Nikitchenko, known as the right-hand man of the sinister Soviet
prosecutor Vyshinsky, a principal player in the rigged Moscow show
trials of 1936-38. In other words, Nikitchenko's entire legal experience
amounted to extracting confessions from falsely accused victims,
using methods that would get them to 'confess' to even the most
phantasmagorical 'crimes' attributed to them. In the circumstances,
it was small wonder that the Nuremberg Tribunal conveniently avoided
any mention of the crimes against humanity jointly perpetrated by
the nazis and the communists between August 24th, 1939, and June
22nd, 1941, when the bosom buddies Hitler and Stalin split the whole
of Europe between tnemselves.
As was already mentioned, what with the generous allowances
that Moscow lavished not only on its spies but also on its eloquent
mouthpieces the paid advocates of communism, that 'most fair of
social systems', communism is yet to receive its long-overdue international
condemnation. Such leniency is due, last but not least, to the strong
positions of influence widely enjoyed by the former communist nomenklatura
in almost all countries of the former Eastern Bloc, and mostly in
Russia. True, the agreements reached between the last Societ leader,
Mikhail Gorbachev, and the then US President George Bush Sr., by
the shores of Malta in 1989, amounted to complete capitualtion for
Soviet Russia, since the proptocol of their meeting clearly states
that 'in the name of the survival of civilization, the two sides
mutually undertake to turn the societies of both states into societies
with a free market economy, based upon private property, governed
by a freely elected parliament and independent judiciary.' In other
words, it was no one else but Russia and its Eastern European vassals
that committed themselves to adopting the form of governance and
the political system of the United States and the rest of the Western
democracies. Apparently, however, in order to avoid cornering the
communist nomenklatura in such a way as to leave it no other possibility
of survival but to try and keep its grip on power with fire and
bloodshed, the Bush administration decided to leave it all its assets
and the freeeom to use them as its sees fit. In the text of the
Malta agreements there is not a peep about any prosecution of the
communist dictators and their machinery of repression, the KGB and
its Eastern European affiliates. The Washington administration knew
very well that the money of the red chieftains and apparatchiks
came mostly from drug trafficking, arms sales and the ruthless plunder
of the peoples who had the misfortune to find themselves trampled
by the red boot. Thus the bulk of an economy already restructured
along market principles fell into the hands of the old communist
dignitaries, and mostly of the cadres of the previous repressive
apparatus, while the communist parties swifly renamed themselves
socialist in order to remain legitimate and central players in the
new political systems. Indeed, the alternative to that would have
been an all-out civil war, compared with which the clashes accompanying
the disintegration of Yugoslavia would have looked like child's
play. Therefore, in the name of a 'peaceful transition' the responsible
factors in the West preferred to turn a blind eye on the crimes
of communism at the risk of having their own countries permeated
by the tentacles of a mafia far more dangerous than the Italian
or the American. In combination with the nostalgia for the past,
skilfully rekindled by the old communist functionaries that control
the most influential media in the countries in transition, this
poses a direct threat to the very faoundations of Euro-Atlantic
civilization, not only to the eastern half of Europe. Therefore,
the proper and categorical condemnation of communism is of vital
interest not only to the new European democracies but to the West
as well.
Translation from Bulgarian
by Boyan Damyanov